Home Remedies for Tooth Pain

All of us at one point in time have gone through the frustrating experience of ‘tooth pain’. A person can experience tooth pain or ache around the teeth area or along the jaw. To ease the discomfort it is extremely important to identify the primary cause behind the pain. People can suffer from tooth pain due to reasons like infection, tooth decay, cavities, broken tooth, wisdom tooth eruption, impaction of wisdom tooth, etc. 

Tooth pain should not be ignored. If there is no relief in 48 hours then the best step is to visit a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

Sometimes toothache is due to inflammation in tooth or some minor infection. In such cases the following home remedies: 
  • Salt Water Rinse: One of the best remedies for tooth pain is salt water rinse. A salt water rinse can be done by dissolving a bit of salt in a cup of warm water. It helps in loosening the food that gets stuck in the teeth. It also helps in reducing swelling of gums and eases inflammation as well. Salt water rinse can be done 2-3 times a day by swishing a mouthful of salt water for 30 seconds and then spitting it out.  
  • Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse: Hydrogen peroxide can also be used as an antibacterial mouthwash. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution should be mixed with equal parts of water as a remedy for tooth pain. The mouthwash should be swished for 30 seconds. It is important to note that this solution can be dangerous if swallowed. This rinse is not suitable for children.  
  • Ice Pack or Cold Compress: Tooth pain or swelling due to any trauma can be treated with the help of a cold compress. The ice pack should be held against the affected area for a few minutes to ease out the pain and swelling. The compress can be repeated 4 to 5 times a day. 
  • Cloves: Cloves are very effective in treating tooth pain or gum infections dues to their antiseptic properties. Cloves can help in reducing inflammation and swelling. Dried clove should be chewed and be held between the teeth to ease the pain. Mouth rinse with clove oil and water can also be done for treating tooth pain.
  • Over the Counter Painkillers: People can also use over the counter painkillers to get temporary relief from tooth pain. Mild to moderate tooth pain can be relieved through pain killers like Naproxen, Acetaminophen, Aspirin and Ibuprofen.
  • Garlic: Garlic is widely known for its antibacterial properties and for having positive health effects. Garlic can be used for reducing tooth pain and for killing plague causing bacteria. A person suffering from toothache or infection can apply a crushed garlic clove or can chew some garlic for treating the swelling and pain.
  • Vanilla Extract: Pure vanilla extract has antioxidant properties and can help in minimising the tooth pain. The alcohol content in the extract has a pain numbing effect. Vanilla extract can be applied directly on the tooth with a cotton ball 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Thyme: Thyme essential oil is a powerful antioxidant and has antibacterial attributes that help against tooth ache and decay. Thyme oil can be used as a mouthwash by mixing it with a few drops with water. Thyme oil can also be applied on the tooth by mixing it with the carrier oil.  

Visit the Dentist

In case there is no relief from the tooth ache, then it is very important to visit a dentist for proper treatment. People can use pain relievers like ibuprofen to minimise the pain till they go to the dentist. It is important to visit the dentist if the following symptoms persist:
  • Pus or discharge
  • Swelling
  • Pain while taking a bite
  • Problem in swallowing or breathing
  • Fever
  • Unnatural redness in gums
  • Long lasting pain

What to Expect from the Dentist

The dentist will examine the problem and will try to diagnose the reason behind the pain. The treatment depends on the reason behind the pain. The following scenarios can take place at the dentist: 
  • In case the pain is due to teeth grinding or clenching the dentist may suggest a mouth guard.
  • If there is tooth decay then the dentist will remove the decayed part and put a tooth filling.
  • In case of abscess, the dentist may suggest antibiotics, do a root canal or even extract the tooth.
  • If a previous tooth filling is the main cause of the pain then a new filling may be done.