Methods and Mistakes in Cleaning Invisible Aligners

Having straight and perfectly aligned teeth is a blessing as they make chewing easier, improve facial appearance and add to the overall personality. People in present times are becoming more open about their dental concerns and are actively seeking dental aids that will help in achieving the perfectly aligned teeth.

People can now go for invisible aligner therapy and get their crooked teeth aligned without the hassle of metal braces. Invisible aligners are removable, invisible and easy to maintain. It is very important to clean the aligners properly to avoid issues like stains, tooth decay and bad breath.

Guide to clean and  maintain the Illusion aligners

Following points can be used as a guide to clean the aligners and also to maintain their effectiveness:
1) Soak in Antibacterial Soap and Water: Antibacterial soap is one of the most popular ingredients to clean the invisible aligners. The patient should mix the antibacterial soap and lukewarm water together to prepare the cleaning solution. The aligners should be soaked in the solution for about 30 minutes. Soaking the clear aligners helps in removing the bacteria from the aligners. After soaking, the aligners should be washed properly with cold water.

2) Everyday Cleaning: Ideally the aligners should be cleaned every morning and evening. Washing the aligners twice a day is essential as they are worn for at least 20-22 hours in a day.

3) Vinegar and Water Soak: Patients can mix one cup of warm water with one tablespoon of white vinegar to make this cleaning solution. The clear aligners should be soaked in the water and vinegar solution for at least 15-20 minutes. The aligners should then be rinsed under cold running water and pat dried before next use.

4) Baking Soda and Water Soak: Using baking soda is an effective way to clean the clear aligners due to it deodorising properties. Invisible aligners can be cleaned by mixing one tablespoon of baking soda in 250 ml (1 Cup) of water. The aligners should be soaked in the mixture for 40-60 minutes and then rinsed with cold water. The aligners should be completely dried before next use.

5) Use of Non-Abrasive Toothpaste: Using a non-abrasive tooth paste is one of the most quick and time-saving methods of cleaning the aligners. The patient should be gentle while brushing the aligners so as to prevent damage. The patient should ensure that a new tooth brush is used to clean the aligners to protect the aligner material against abrasions. This method should be used only when there is shortage of time.

6) Cleaning the Aligner Case: The aligner case should be immaculate and hence should be regularly cleaned. Patients are advised to make sure that the aligner case is kept away from dust, moisture or direct sun light. Aligners should be kept only in their case when they are not being used. The case should not be left open and should be kept away from all edible items. All these steps will ensure that the aligner container is not contaminated.

7) Brushing the Teeth: Along with regular cleaning of aligners, it is equally important to keep the teeth clean as well. Maintaining oral hygiene like brushing the teeth and using a mouth wash before putting on the aligners will ensure that food bits are not stuck between teeth and also that the teeth are protected against plaque formation and cavities.

Mistakes to Avoid with Clear Aligners

The following mistakes should be avoided to ensure that the invisible aligners are not damaged while cleaning:

1) Use of Hot Water: Using hot water to clean the aligners may prove damaging to the aligners. Hot water can alter the shape of the aligners which can do more harm than good.

2) Use of Toothpaste: Toothpastes are not suitable for cleaning aligners as they are made for removing tartar and plague from the teeth. It is best to avoid general tooth pastes to clean the aligners as they are too abrasive for the aligners. The abrasives in the regular tooth paste may damage the clear/invisible aligners making them more noticeable. It is best to use a non-abrasive tooth paste for cleaning the aligners.

3) Using Dishwasher: Patients should not use the dishwasher to clean the invisible aligners. The dishwasher is designed to use hot water for cleaning the dishes which may permanently damage the aligners.

4) Use of Coloured Mouthwash: Patients are advised to use only clear mouthwash while going through the illusion teeth aligners treatment. Coloured aligners should not be used as they may stain the aligners.

5) Use of Harsh Chemicals: Patients should not use harsh substances like alcohol or bleach for cleaning the aligners. These harsh chemicals can discolour and permanently damage the aligners.